In the midst of my anxiety, I decided that because I couldn't get on the internet still, or go up on campus quite yet, I needed a bubble bath. Here is one confession of mine, I adore bubble baths. And it always helps me relax and get a grip with reality. One of my favorite pastimes is taking a bubble bath with a book. Today, that book happened to be, "Life is Short. Wear Your Party Pants" by Loretta LaRoche. I got the book forever ago on the clearance shelf in Barnes and Noble. At the time, I thought the title was funny, and since Ms. LaRoche is a professional speaker on the subject of stress relieving, I bought it. Anyway, today the book was a perfect choice. During those moments of my bubble bath, it was reconfirmed to me to live in the moment. stress is good. take a chill pill. Ms. LaRoche has a wonderful sense of humor, and the few pages I read helped me calm down tremendously. She re-enforced me to reevaluate my priorities, and how I view myself. Of course, Ms. LaRoche is no substitute for apostles, or our prophet, but it helped in the same way. And I was grateful all the same.
One of the ideas she mentioned was to stop self-fllaguating yourself. She said if we listened to that inner voice within us every time it puts us down, imagine those put downs as whip marks on your back. A little gruesome, but it made the point that is it really worth it? We don't need to constantly be putting ourselves down, because we are doing the best we can. Step by step, day by day we get better. And we should recognize that instead of always punishing ourselves.
So it's Tuesday. Meltdown? Check. Recovery from meltdown? Check. Optimism for the rest of the week? Done.