October 11, 2011

Adult begins with A

So. I'm constantly telling Denver that maybe I shouldn't have a blog, because I feel I have nothing really exciting to share. I don't have kids, I'm not doing anything but school and work. Of course, being the wonderful husband he is, Denver tells me that I do have something to share, that I am still living a worthwhile life. Thanks honey.

Pondering what that really met--living a worthwhile life--brought me to the conclusion that even though I don't have kids at this time in my life and all I'm doing is getting an education, that's still worth something. Something some people in this world only dream about. And I am grateful.

Being in school does give me the chance to connect what I'm learning in class to real life. Pretty much the purpose right? So in my English class we have to write a magazine. And this week we had to think about what our magazine should be about. I wasn't in the mood to have our magazine be about dating, or anything like that. So I suggested it be about "Discovering You." I wanted this magazine to be a magazine about discovering who you are, right now, at this time in your life. I wanted to explore how to really and truly find yourself, and be happy with who you are. Of course, this all leads to my own personal life. Being in your twenty's is hard. You're technically an adult, but still yearn to call mom and have her take care of all your troubles. And being married in your twenty's...yes, that qualifies you as an adult. So since I have no kids, this is what is on my mind. Learning to be comfortable with myself and figuring out who I even want to be. Am I really doing things that make me happy? Am I making adult decisions? How am I handling those decisions? What am I doing to improve myself, and what am I doing to strengthen my testimony? Of course, I don't have any of these questions figured out right now. I'm still sorting them and processing them in my mind. I'm hoping this magazine will help me out--because my group thought that this was a great idea.
So. Getting an education here at school really is helping me become an adult. Being married is helping me become more adult-like in my thought process, and through my actions. Maybe none of this is relevant to anyone else, but to me, it's my life. I figure, being at my age, we're through being teenagers. It is time to grow up. And this applies to being at school, fulfilling church callings, and work responsibilities. I'm realizing that hey, I am an adult, and I have to act like it. Certain situations at work have opened my eyes that there are problems happening at work that aren't acceptable. And I'm the adult. So, find a solution! I can't have my mom call my manager and have her explain the problems I'm facing. I have to talk to my manager to find solutions. It's such a new experience, and it's making me realize that I'd like to be a kid again :)

Overall, this blog is a chance for me to outlet my feelings. And that's enough for me.


  1. Denver is a very wise man....and he truly loves you....I too know that you have a tons to share.....just look at this post..... perfectly said.
    And someday when you are my age you will read this again and say to yourself...I was and still am amazing =)

  2. I follow several blogs written by women who don't have kids and I think they have plenty to share that is worthwhile and meaningful. Yes, the kids add a cute factor to the blog, but I think we all have things to share on our journey (with kids or not) that can resonate with others.

    Yes, wouldn't it be great to be a kid again -- free of worries and responsibility! :)

  3. i love reading your blog posts, i'm glad your aren't going to stop. I'm still trying to figure out who I am and what I really want!!

  4. Hey, have I told you lately how proud I am of you? I am so proud of you and all you are accomplishing. I am so happy that you didn't give up on your education once you got married. Yes marriage teaches you many things, but I feel that your college education is also very important. I wish I had been as determined as you and gone on to get my bachelor's and not settled for my associate's.

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with all of us. There have been more than a few times in my life that I have had to figure out who I was and what I wanted. Life is full of challenges and changes -- I'm grateful for that because they help us to continue to grow instead of becoming stagnant. Right now I'm trying to figure out what I want and who I am because my amazing daughter and son went and grew up on me. What's with that anyway? :)

    I love you. You continue to amaze and inspire me. Love you a million red m&ms -- Mom
