February 3, 2010

tttm...things that thrill me

So I was just laying in bed last night thinking, which is something that I do almost every night, and instead of rehashing the things that usually annoy me, I concentrated on thinking of things that thrill me. After having a couple of minutes of this, I came up with ten things I really enjoy, things that thrill me. So here we go.
1. DENVER. Of course this is a no brainer one, right? But I really got done to it, and I realized how much I love this guy. When he smiles or really laughs, and I mean really laughs, my heart just flutters with happiness. And when he does little things for me, such as spontaneously making the bed, or accomplishing the amazing feat of putting a dish in the dishwasher, I just have to hug him and tell him I love him.
2. FAMILY. This one might also seem like a no brainer, but in all actuality, I just love family. Especially when I hear of my brother's accomplishments. That kid is golden, and I couldn't be more proud of him, and every day I wish him to succeed.
3. LITERATURE. I absolutely love literature. Good books thrill me beyond belief. I love how Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and many others carefully craft their words for me to enjoy. And getting lost in a good book is just heaven.
4. THE GOSPEL. I love this gospel. I love expanding my knowledge on things I thought I knew really well and sharing them with Denver.
5. GOOD MOVIES. Clean movies with a good message are an unbeatable duo. So many movies are just filled with filth, and it's relieving to know I choose not to destroy myself with them.
6. GOOD FRIENDS. Have to admit, I don't have many of these yet. Really close friends that I trust are a rare commodity, so the ones I do have I cherish and hold close to my heart.
7. SUMMER. There is something about summer that has a hint of romance in it, right? And of course the great weather, sunshine, and being outside is something I truly enjoy.
8. MY PILLOW. Don't ask me why, but there is something truly satisfying about laying in bed and having a soft pillow beneath your cheek.
9. GOD'S CREATIONS. When I really take the time to notice the splendor of this earth, I am beyond grateful for the chance to be a part of it. It never fails to amaze me how many things supply beauty.
10. A BABY'S SMILE. No, I do not have babies coming anytime soon, and I'm the first one to admit I'm not a huge baby person, but there is something in a baby's smile that just tugs at my heart and makes me smile. Someday I'll be able to experience that everyday.

So, just a couple of things I thought I'd share. I've come to realize thinking about things that I'm grateful for, or things that truly thrill me, all annoyance vanishes and happiness slowly creeps in. It's a good feeling. :D


  1. love the list, so fun, I always enjoy hearing more about you!

  2. Cute list! And I have to say, there's absolutely nothing quite like a baby's smile. Nicholas is a very smiley baby, and I can't get enough of his toothless grin! Ah! I love it!

    And I had to laugh at your comment about the dishwasher...

  3. Oh man, you brought tears to my eyes. I hope you know, sweet cheeks, that you are indeed at the top of my top ten. You have brought so much joy and happiness into my life. I'm thankful everyday that we are family!!!!

  4. Amen to all the comments- you are a sweetheart. Love your list.

  5. great list . . . and I love the title (TTTM)! Having your husband operate/use the dishwasher in anyway is definitely a thrill!

  6. Great list..Thanks for sharing a little part of youself. Take care

  7. Great read -- nice reminder to put into works --
